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is this still being developed?

This game has a ton of potential. I LOVE phone sim games. Keep it up!


cool story ngl , but it takes it’s time and that’s a good thing imo , unfortunately you only make about 3/4 choices in this first version but I hope to see more soon also it’d be kinda cool to be alble to interact when going to meet Natasha or that other girl from the new school , but it is a phone simulator after all so my only real complaint is that theatre isn’t more keep up the good work bro !


it’s a bit hard to believe that the main guy just doesn’t tell anything to his family, especially his girlfriend, about his past and his worries … and the literal admission of the “bad guy’s” intentions , I’m into NTR and all that stuff but it always hurts a bit when in a game that has a story that sucks you in very well doesn’t let you achieve a good ending … or save/load on the device too , not that in this demo you really need to save , but in the full release it would be nice to have those two thing, I look forward to see of the sorry goes on and if we’ll have a lil more freedom on what we decide to do 


Sometimes the game just kinda crushes and I have to reload the page , luckily the progress isn’t lost but sometimes the audio gets cut off, I could hear the sound of the call from Natasha’s phone while Darin was answering it , too bad it would’ve had been really hot 

(story suggestion) 

it’d be cool if you could get in a good relationship with Darin and than maybe try cucking willingly to the point that you girlfriend starts to get addicted to it and “forgets about you” , also I’ve seen that there are people that into cucking others which while I find a bit evil I know people don’t chose they’re kinks so it’s be cool for them to also be able to cuck Natasha with the school girl or smth , heck maybe even with a guy even tho the main guy doesn’t seem gay , but this are just my sick lil ideas so take them with a grain of salt -,-

Hey, thanks for your comment. Especially reporting the bug you had and your suggestions.


Allow us to destroy this boy lmao, ain't no way we can't do anything if he already went to jail

bruh when the gulping sounds started i started crying lol I've been cheated on way to much XD


always love phone/real porn games, keep it going!

Thank you!!!